Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Public school offer fees discount for vegetarian students

A public school, which costs £15,000 a year to attend, offered students a 10% discount in fees if they take up the Vegetarian Scholarship.

The Telegraph reported the story .

I'm not sure whether I agree with trying to bribe youngsters into making a decision on their diet. As long as people are healthy then they should be left to eat what they what.

A financial incentive not to eat meat seems an awful idea and shouldn't be allowed. Guilt should never be attached to food and having a "special" prize for eating a certain way is bound to affect how those without the prize feel about what they eat.

The article says students at Wycliffe College aren't interested and I'm glad. Let's hope no parents try to influence them to get a cut in fees.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Kareena Kapoor wins sexiest vegetarian from PETA India

India Today reported Kareena Kapoor has won the PETA India's sexiest vegetarian celebrity of 2008.

She said: “If my fans are looking up to me and have turned vegetarian, then I am happy about it. I am a pure vegetarian and it helps me keep fit and healthy."

She beat international celebrities including Pamela Anderson and Paul McCartney to the title.

Read the full artcile here.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Non-dairy vegetarian diets versus Amanda Cross' low Gi diet

Found this blog called Pace and Kyeli while messing about on the internet.

It's about a couple of people who are trying to be non-dairy vegetarians for three months. The writer, Pace, says some interesting things about cheese - When I stopped eating dairy, I felt better, more clear-headed, more compassionate, and I had more energy."

I have to disagree with this completely. I recently decided to lose weight and struggled to find a diet to suit me. Weight Watchers was ok but working out all the points could be a nightmare.

Slimmers' World was rubbish for me because red days (where you lose the most weight) are difficult when they advised so much meat.

I settled on Amanda Cross's low GI diet book . It was tough at first because I got headaches and fatigue but after a while I felt a lot better. It was amazing how much energy I had from eating such high levels of protein.

It was really difficult to eat as much as the diet required but I would recommend it to fellow vegetarians. High protein definitely made me feel better - less bloated, chubby and stodgy.

One last thing - I now find that if I eat something like pasta then I crave it for days afterwards but if I avoid it I can live without it easily.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Is Eating Meat Bad for your Skin?

I found this really interesting article about the effects of eating (and not eating) meat on your skin.

It's written by a beauty scientist called Laurie. She/ he discusses heart disease, prostate cancer, sex hormones and other health issues.

It's interesting but doesn't really come up with anything conclusive and the actual effects are vague. Still worth a read though.

NBC ban Super Bowl ad because it's too sexy

Apparently, NBC rejected this PETA ad from the Super Bowl because it was too sexy.

PETA reported getting this reply to the ad from the NBC:

The PETA spot submitted to Advertising Standards depicts a level of sexuality exceeding
our standards. Listed below are the edits that need to be made. Before finalizing the
spot, we would like to view a Quicktime file as well as a DVD with high resolution.

:12- :13- licking pumpkin
:13- :14- touching her breast with her hand while eating broccoli
:19- pumpkin from behind between legs
:21- rubbing pelvic region with pumpkin
:22- screwing herself with broccoli (fuzzy)
:23- asparagus on her lap appearing as if it is ready to be inserted into vagina
:26- licking eggplant
:26- rubbing asparagus on breast
Victoria Morgan
Vice President, Advertising Standards
NBC Universal

Check out PETA's Veggie Love website.

I think it is too sexy for family-time tv but the NBC banning it probably gave it more publicity than if it'd been shown so it's win-win for PETA.

Wall Street trader suing boss over vegetarian homo comment claim

This story is all over the internet but here's My Fox's coverage or read Daily News' article here:

A Wall Street trader is suing his former employer over allegations that his vegetarianism led his ex-boss to repeatedly accuse him of being gay and to eventually fire him.

According to a New York Daily News report, Ryan Pacifico claims that his former boss at the American office of French financial firm Calyon called him a "vegetarian homo" when another trader wondered what Pacifico would eat at a company outing at a steakhouse, and reacted to Pacifico's vegetarianism by asking, "At what point in time did you realize you were gay?"

Pacifico is not gay, and says that he served steak to guests at his wedding.

The suit also alleges that Pacifico's former boss made a point of only ordering hamburgers and pizza with meat toppings for weekly team lunches, and that the firm manufactured reasons to fire Pacifico when the real reason was his boss' perception that he was gay, the New York Post reports.